Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Abdelkaer Lahmadi served as a reviewer for the following journals: IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.

Abdelkader Lahmadi served as a Technical Program Committee member for the following conferences: Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS'2013, PhD student workshop), The 1st International Workshop on Crowdsensing Methods, Techniques, and Applications (CROWDSENSING 2014).

Abdelkader Lahmadi participated to the Dagstuhl Seminar "Global Measurement Framework".

Isabelle Chrisment is the Co-Chair together with Ahmed Serhrouchni from Telecom ParisTech of the IFIP Task Force 6.5 on Secure Networking. This Task Force provides a framework for the organization of activities within the scope of secure networking. It facilitates international cooperation activities and exchanges in this area.

Isabelle Chrisment is a member of AFNIC(http://www.afnic.fr ) 'scientific board since January 2013.

Isabelle Chrisment served as a TPC member of : the 7th International IFIP Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (IFIP AIMS'2013); the 14th joint TC6 and TC11 International IFIP Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (IFIP CMS'2013); the IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IFIP/IEEE IM'13); the 4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN-2013), Security and Privacy Track. the 8th national conference on Sécurité des Architectures Réseaux et des Systèmes d'Information (SARSSI 2013).

Olivier Festor is Chair of the IFIP Working-Group 6.6 on Network and systems management. This working group is actively involved the animation of most major conferences in this research area and organizes frequent meetings and workshops on the domain.

Olivier Festor is the Co-chair together with Lisandro Zambenedetti Grandvile from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Network Management Research Group since march 2011. In 2013, we organized four workshops leading to a new work-plan for the design of new management protocols and services within the IRTF.

Olivier Festor served as a Technical Program Committee Member of the following 2013 events:

IFIP/IEEE Integrated Management Symposium (IM'2013), IFIP/IEEE in conjunction with ACM CNSM'2013. Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS'2013 and IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.

Olivier Festor is member of the board of editors of the Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management. He is member of the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.

In December 2012, Olivier Festor joined the University of Lorraine on a Full Professor position. There he became Director of the TELECOM Nancy Engineering School (350 students at Masters level, 50 faculty and staff).

Remi Badonnel served as a TPC member of the following conferences:

  • the IFIP International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (IFIP AIMS'2013);

  • the IEEE International Conference on Integrated Management (IEEE/IFIP IM'2013);

  • the IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Management of the Future Internet (IEEE/IFIP MANFI'2013).

Remi Badonnel served as a session chair and was part of the Best Paper Award Committee at the IEEE International Conference on Integrated Management (IEEE/IFIP IM'2013).

Remi Badonnel served as an expert for the "Futur et Ruptures" programm of the Mines-Telecom institute.

Thibault Cholez was invited to present a tutorial [38] on the Management of Content-Centric Networking at ResCom 2013, a CNRS summer school .

Thomas Silverston leads in 2013 the activity CityCrowdSource from EIT ICT Labs. He also co-organized the SDN Days (GdR CNRS RESCOM) in Loria (Nancy), November 26/27th 2013. Thomas is co-chair (General Chair) of the The 1st International Workshop on Crowdsensing Methods, Techniques, and Applications (CROWDSENSING) organized with IEEE Percom 2014. Thomas is a TPC member of the Named-Oriented Mobility Workshop organized with IEEE Infocom 2014. Thomas was a speaker at the CNRS GdR RESCOM summer school on Information-Centric Networks . Thomas was an invited speaker at the Internet for the Future Society Workshop in Tokyo, organized by the Societe Franco-Japonaise des Techniques Industrielles and sponsored by the « Ambassade de France au Japon »

Ye-Qiong Song served as a TPC Member of the following 2013 events: the 18th IEEE international conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA’2013) ; the 11th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics (ICOST 2013); IROS'13 Workshop on Robots and Sensors integration in future rescue INformation system (ROSIN'13); the International Workshop on Cooperative Robots and Sensor Networks (RoboSense 2013) ; the 12th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2013).

Ye-Qiong Song served as track co-chair of Ubimob2013.